Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mild Acne Vulgaris

First, find out if the acne is mainly comedonal, inflammatory or nodulocystic.

Comedonal acne [Mild Acne]:

Courtesy: emedicine

Predominance of black heads, white heads. No inflammation.
The first choice drugs, both for treatment as well as maintenance are topical retinoids.

1. Adapalene 0.1% gel [DERIVA, DERIVA MS] daily at night.
2. Sunscreen [SUNCOTE, SUNCROS] in morning.

Continue till acne is controlled, usually 4 weeks. Topical retinoids [Adapalene, Tretinoin, Tazarotene] should be used all over the affected area and not just over the comedones. Adapalene can cause drying up and burning sensation of skin. In that case, use it on alternate days till skin adapts, then change over to daily dosing. A moisturiser, such as EMOLENE CRM [propyleneglycol] or ACNEMOIST [herbal prep] may be used to combat dryness, on retinoid free days.

Maintenance therapy with Adapalene, though with less frequent dosing should be continued to prevent re-occurance.

Note: The general rule is, GELS are for oily skin, CREAMS are for dry skin. LOTIONS are used when large areas are to be covered.


Monday, December 26, 2011

What this blog is about..

This blog is about learning.

About learning, discussing and sharing information on management of common, everyday medical problems that Indian General Practitioners see in their clinic or OP departments. Even though the principles of management posted here are based on standard textbooks and guidelines, the brand names of drugs are mainly applicable to Indian pharmacies.

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